I found it’s just a waste of time. Are you calling me a racist? This is a question you ask me. Even though I’ve not called you anything and ascribed no name to your being. When this question comes up,… Continue Reading →
Well… not 100% colonizer but close enough. And, I can’t give up on white people. There’s a simple reason, really. I’m white. Also, I know and I love white people. But there’s more to why. As a racialized group we… Continue Reading →
It’s me. I’m that friend. I wish I had video of the experience. Maybe I could replay it and get a better understanding of who I was in that moment. Taking video when I witness undisguised and blatant mistreatment because of… Continue Reading →
It seems it was a short time ago that my son was an infant – soft and small – his tiny body easily cradled in my arms. Just last week he turned 12. He stands taller than me and is… Continue Reading →
I hear you ask this question a lot. Often, when I take the time and energy to answer it, you’re another white person and our context is that of in relationship — we know and love one another. When you… Continue Reading →
With other white people, I keep finding, it’s really hard. I had an epic discussion with another white person over the weekend. This person is one who I dearly love. Someone I admire for their kindness and patience and their… Continue Reading →
The thing you don’t talk about, that’s the thing. I came across this idea at some point while training to be a therapist. It’s the notion that what is left unspoken, the thing that remains hidden or secret or inaccessible,… Continue Reading →
The story I have of my first memory of race happened when I was 4 years old. It was Easter and the day gave me 3 of my favorite things – candy, a new dress, and time with my best… Continue Reading →
A new year has me thinking about beginnings. Namely, the start of how I came to examine whiteness (I wasn’t always interested in what it means to be white) and the early days of this blog (I never imagined myself… Continue Reading →
“Mommy, your skin is white and you are good to us… and other white people love us too…” She looks at me, her eyes are filled with worry. I hope she doesn’t see me wince. Then a familiar ache fills… Continue Reading →
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